In the last 20 months, we have seen drastic changes in our lifestyles across the globe. The way we do life has changed. We have all gone through some adjustments.
Perhaps, no challenges have been greater than those upon the Church. From those who have not attended a live church service in over 20 months, to other dear believers meeting in secret, because of the restrictions threatening their view of church.
The life of the church has changed. Things we took for granted are no longer happening in the church, from a handshake to laying hands on the sick, to people attending Bible study or even fellowship.
Churches that once were packed might only have a smattering of attendees on Sundays and empty buildings the rest of the week. Once thriving congregations are split on how their church implemented the Covid restrictions. Romans chapter 13 may have never had so many different pastors tackle this passage and come out with different conclusions.
A question
My desire is to find out (with your help!) how much the church (both the individual members and the universal church) has changed and what has this season revealed about people’s view of church? For example, some of the questions I hope to find answers to with this survey include:
Are you satisfied watching ‘online church?’
Have you been faithfully using the gifts the Lord has given you to forward the church?
Are you following your church or another?
Did you leave your church and are attending another or just stopped going altogether?
Are people in churches just not coming back because it is way easier to watch it online sipping a cuppa?
Are the churches flourishing?
Do people feel like they have been growing through the preaching of the word?
Why are some churches growing while others are floundering?
Help us – engage the survey please
Can you help me answer these questions? I am doing a survey and trying to get 1000’s of people from around the world to fill it out so I can get an assessment of how the church did through Covid.
It will take 5 minutes and if you can ask 5 Christian friends (preferably not from your church), to fill it out as well, together we can get a comprehensive look. I plan on doing a follow up article based on the results in the New Year.
This has been one of the greatest challenges the church has faced and most of it they have done alone. Yet, with your help we can learn from this experience and better prepare for the health of all Christians in the future.

Genevieve Wilson is Canadian. a happily married home-schooling mum of 3, whose passion is to see people come to know Jesus. She is a seminary wife to her amazing husband.