My youngest child started her first year of schooling this year. Those who have already walked in my shoes will understand the many emotions this can stir in a parent’s heart.
You are excited for them to learn, grow and develop, yet at the same time your heart aches for letting them out of your care five days a week and how quickly they seem to grow up once they start school.
I believe the emotion I have been experiencing is ‘bittersweet’.
‘Bittersweet is a mixed feeling of happiness and sadness.’ (Atlas of the heart : mapping meaningful connection and the language of human experience, Brene Brown 2021)
Brown writes, ‘with very few exceptions, developmental milestones leave me feeling bittersweet.’
I would classify your child’s starting their schooling journey as a developmental milestone, which makes sense to experiencing this emotion.
Being a parent is a series of letting go and I am at the stage of letting them out of my cocoon of love and protection and this can feel a little daunting.
I am thankful that I have a relationship with God who knows me and knows my children and loves and cares for them even more than I can as a human.
When I start to feel a little concern over my children, I hold on to God’s promises.
‘All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and the wellbeing (or peace) of your children will be great.’ Isaiah chapter 54 verse 13
‘You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you.’ Isaiah chapter 26 verse 3
I know this is yet another opportunity to trust deeply in a God who has a good plan for my children’s lives and cares about the small things, such as my children making friends and having a happy day at school.
Now, what?
Often when little ones come into your life, your life changes. Not bad, but just different. Many of us put our dreams, ambitions and plans on hold while we raise our young children and we learn to prioritise and focus on what is most important.
Then after a few years, they go to school and you have some more time to yourself. I am sure many mums (and dads) can resonate with having the thought, ‘Now, what? What is my next step?’
My prayer has always been for God to direct my steps and lead me to where he wants me to be.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs chapter 3 verses 5 to 6.
While it has come as a bit of a surprise, new doors have opened for me this year. God is continually teaching me to put my trust in an him as he cares about me and will provide all of my needs.
‘And this same God who takes care of me will supply all your needs from his glorious riches, which have been given to us in Christ Jesus.’ Philippians chapter 4 verse 19.
If you are in a similar situation to me, your children are all at school now and you are wondering, now, what? I want to encourage you to seek him, rest in him, ask him, and he will show you your next step, whether it be to study, work, exercise, or go take a well-deserved nap!

Jo Fuller lives on the beautiful Sunshine Coast with her husband, son and daughter. Jo is a teacher with an education in journalism and early childhood who loves to spend time with her family and enjoys reading and writing whenever she can.