The question was simple. However, the answer had complexity.
On the one hand, how did God respond to people before Jesus’ birth? Is there a strict New Testament era that sees only those that call on the name of Jesus as saved? On the other hand,isn’t getting to heaven just about the “good news” of the Bible?
Ultimately, getting into heaven (a.k.abeing saved / having a living relationship with God), is a gracious gift.It is something that only God can do. In fact,most religions acknowledge the foundational truth of humanity that we are separated from God because of our sin.
People, as His creation, reject the Creator. From this foundational truth mostfaiths offer a solution to reconcile humanity and restore this broken relationship.
Some faiths offer up sacrifices hoping this will appease an angry God. Others promote good works hoping God is impressed by this obedience.
However, the Christian faith sees this reconciliation completed in Christ. Christ sacrifices Himself in our place to wipe away the penalty for our rejection of God.
But we come back to our question: do you need contact with Jesus to be saved? Is Jesus the only solution? Jesus said He is the only One that can fix this problem (John chapter 14). His perfect sacrifice reconciles us to God.
Jesus saves
However, what about the Old Testament era people? The key is that it is still Jesus that saves. Those people still trusted in a God that provides a way back to a relationship with Himself. In the Old Testament, God promised that He would send a Rescuer to do this: His Messiah/Christ (see Hebrews chapter 11 as an example of the faith they had in what God would do).
Consider Rahab the prostitute in Joshua chapter 2 onwards. She was saved because she knew she was separated from God and facing judgement. However, she also had faith that this God could save her.
The physical protection she found from the fall of Jericho was a foreshadowing of the spiritual protection she found in trusting Jesus as this promised Messiah. She may not have known Jesus’ name, but she knew that God could be trusted to save her. In essence, Christ saved her.
Ultimately, God has it all under control. He has the power to save. The challenge is what will you do with this Jesus you have heard now about? He is the one that “gets you into heaven.” You have that choice to trust in Him. To find out more check out HERE

Jeremy Dover is a former sports scientist and Pastor
Jeremy Dover's previous articles may be viewed at https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/jeremy-dover1.html
And https://www.pressserviceinternational.org/jeremy-dover.html