This week my heart broke for the family in England of 'ten month' old Charlie Gard who has been sentenced to death. This little baby suffers from a rare genetic disease and brain damage. His parents found someone in America who was willing to perform a very experimental treatment on their child to see if it could help and they raised over 1.2 million pounds to take him there.
However for some reason the British doctors said 'no' and his parents appealed to the highest courts in Europe to have him taken to USA where he would receive experimental treatment. The highest courts said 'no' as the experimental treatment would be too much for him and in fact told the hospital to turn off his life giving machines. This court has sentenced this little man to death.
Reading about this family, I'm reminded of David when he was told by the prophet Nathan that his son would die, yet David did not give up on his infant, he wept, fasted, prayed, torn his clothes and poured ashes on his head.
He is doing the same thing that we parents do today. I'm sure if 'gofund' me had been around in David's day or the doctors we have, he would have gone to all of them to try and save his little child. It is a fight that is ingrained in us that we fight for the lives of our children, we would do just about anything to see them safe and healthy.
God has placed that desire in us to protect and fight for the lives of our children since we know their value, even if the world doesn't see the value we know they are unique and have a purpose.
Mother of three
As a mother of three I would do everything in my ability to save my children, to help them to spare their lives. I couldn't imagine being told I can't do anything when I have the option to try something even if it is risky, in this case the risk far outweighs not doing something.
Yes this operation is very experimental, however it has seen success in other children who have undergone this treatment. Doesn't Charlie deserve the chance?
I know if it were my kid I would be demanding the same. Even if Charlie doesn't get better, or dies during the treatment, it is far better that he was given a fighting chance.
And his treatment may give doctors more insight into the disease and could help to save more lives in the future. His life will not be wasted either way as God knit him together in his mother’s womb and like Psalm 139 tells us, he is fearfully and wonderfully made. Charlie deserves the chance to life just like we all do.
Genevieve Wilson is a happily married stay at home, home-schooling mum of 3, whose passion is to see people come to know Jesus. She is a seminary wife to her amazing husband and has worked 8 years as a missionary with Youth with a Mission (YWAM). She has a heart for justice.

Genevieve Wilson is Canadian. a happily married home-schooling mum of 3, whose passion is to see people come to know Jesus. She is a seminary wife to her amazing husband.