The older you get the higher the probability your friends will end their time on earth. How have you handled deaths in your life? Have the ones who have lived a longer life been easier to accept?
A friend I went to school with was a storm chaser and weather photographer. I’m still coming to grips with his recent and unexpected passing. Treasure any time you get to spend with your family and friends. This one is for you Yoley.
Neville Hiatt is currently shooting his 2023 Four Seasons Winter Collection. To experience more of his work visit https://nevillehiatt.com

Neville Hiatt was the 2020 Press Services International Tronson Senior Writers Award Winner for Australia. His previous posts for can be read here.
He spent a decade working for Radio Stations before his career was intermissioned by someone in a hurry to get home from work. For more of his award winning creativity visit http://nevillehiatt.com.
He also blogs for http://altcoincollege.com/covering the way cryptocurrencies and blockchain are changing our world.