Hollywood power couple Mark Burnett and Roma Downey have redefined the landscape of faith-based films and shows. During the 2016 National Prayer Breakfast in Washington on Feb. 4, they discussed the challenges they faced and their plans for future projects.
According to The Gospel Herald, Burnett and Downey said they were told countless times that putting "The Bible" on primetime television would destroy their careers. But they believe Americans are hungry for inspiring shows, so they pushed through with it and were flabbergasted by the results since millions tuned in to watch it.
"Far more important than the ratings were the stories of families sitting together in their living rooms watching the Bible, the stories of how God's love for us unfolded through the ages moved them and engaged them, because faith is and was alive and well in America," said Downey.
She said the series helped "ignite a much larger conversation about God and faith" in America, and they feel very humbled that they were the ones who made it possible.
"We were also humbled that people were inspired to see us, a Hollywood couple of producers, daring to speak out of our love of Jesus, daring to talk about our faith in God, and our sincere belief in the power of prayer. I can honestly say that I have never made a decision in my life big or small that I didn't pray about first," said Downey.
Burnett also jokingly said that they have become "America's noisiest Christians," but they are proud of that label. They will be continuing the blaze they have started in the past few years by recreating another faith-based film "Ben Hur" this August.
"We know that being in media comes with responsibility," said Downey. "We are so pleased that our step of faith has reinvigorated faith and family programming in this country, and has hopefully inspired a whole new generation of artists to invest their talent in content that inspires and unifies."