Aching world. Needing the love of the father.
At times analysts feared full-on civil war in America. Warring parties became physical after Donald Trump won the vicious US presidential election. .
Don\'t be afraid of something new
\"What?\" she exclaimed. \"Only two more sleeps until Christmas?\" said every mother who hadn\'t started her Christmas shopping until the last minute.
Abortion, costly debate
Each year as I focus on Jesus, the Babe in a manger I have the same thoughts about abortion and the wicked loss of life and potential, that just can\'t be measured.
What? They banned Christmas?
They don\'t call it the \'Silly Season\' for nothing. Christmas time has become a hotchpotch of traditions, religious and secular and commercial, all of them claiming to have the true Christmas spirit.
Christmas, the love invasion
In just a few days time, the world will focus on the baby Jesus. Appropriately we rejoice and celebrate but His birth in that Bethlehem manger was a glorious invasion of life-changing dimensions.
Aboriginal astronomy
From time immemorial, people have been aware of the significance of the heavenlies, using patterns to tell their history and to regulate their lives.
Champion blokes 'shed' their shame! – A Book Review
Three years ago I reviewed Ian \"Watto\" Watson\'s first book Every Bloke\'s a Champion. Even you. This book encouraged many Aussie blokes to live a turbocharged life.
What a pain
One of my most hated TV ads is the Panadol jingle, \"When pain is gone, life takes its place.\" This surely summarises the core creed of our comfortable culture, pain is to be minimised, pleasure to be maximised.
Christmas more than a star!
This year the Jewish celebration of Hanukkah and Christmas coincide. Hanukkah is linked to the story of the Maccabees, heroes of Israel, who liberated their homeland from Antiochus, the king of Syria.
The 'NO' case for 'Marriage Equality.'
Ever since the \'marriage equality\' debate started in Australia some years ago, I\'ve been thinking I must be a heretic or something similar.
The Rapture – Why it should be left behind
A recent article on these pages discussed whether or not the Rapture is something that Christians can believe in. Here is my take on this topic.
Sabina Citron, my Jerusalem encounter.
Some years ago, I was invited to meet Holocaust survivor Sabina Citron. She had just authored her book \'The Indictment\' and her publisher arranged for us to meet at the Menachem Begin Heritage Centre.