Sheelagh Wegman

Press Service International

Sheelagh Wegman is a freelance writer and editor. She is in the community of St David’s Cathedral in Hobart and lives in the foothills of kunanyi/Mt Wellington.

Sheelagh Wegman’s previous articles may be viewed at

  • Cave Rescue – A Miracle Indeed

    It’s been a few weeks since the eyes of the world were fixed on a remote part of the world, where 12 young soccer players and their coach were trapped in a cave. Over a couple of weeks, we all watched and prayed – and hoped. Lots of prayer was happening: from Christians, Buddhists, Muslims and probably even agnostics.

  • Things You See While Stacking Wood

    In church we regularly pray for peace and resolution of conflict, not just on the domestic scene but also throughout the world. There’re not many places where there isn’t some kind of conflict: inter-racial, tribal, political, fights over resources and territory, disagreement about religion and culture.

  • Jars of clay

    There’s a rather unusual museum in my town.

  • Lost and found

    If something is lost, misplaced, mislaid, whatever, my family knows that I will not rest. TV remote, computer file or my favourite pen – life stops until the thing is found.

  • Foolishness or wisdom?

    The Easter season of 2018 occurred earlier than in some years, with a somewhat surreal feeling to it. There was an oddly juxtaposed ‘trinity’ of events: Easter Sunday, April Fools’ Day and (for some of us) the end of Daylight Saving, all on the same day, the First of April.

  • Give up, or take up?

    In the higher latitudes we enjoy the regular cycle of seasons: Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring. We’re now heading into Autumn and it’s that mellow time for harvesting of fruits: apples and pears, grapes for eating and for making wine.

  • Plain knitting

    When you’ve never known grandparents – or aunts or uncles or cousins, for that matter – you have no model for your own grandparenting.

  • Be still and know

    It’s an uneasy and angry world we live in. I know I feel a bit rattled by many things that are happening. What can we do?

  • Chocolate Easter eggs for Santa

    Funny how some things stick in your mind. Like the time I heard a young child in the supermarket exclaiming excitedly, ‘Look, Mum! Look, there’s the chocolate Easter eggs for Santa’s birthday!’

  • Talking stones? As if!

    Mention the word ‘stone’ and what springs to mind? Something solid, hard, inert, permanent, cold, immovable?