Prakash Primulpathi
Press Services International

I disciple university students in the University of Canterbury through the Navigators while currently working towards a Master of Divinity. Outside of this, my wife and I enjoy rock climbing and going on adventures with our dog.
Sola Fide
A friend was wandering around town a few days ago and encountered what he thought was a cult. They were handing out flyers and offering free food while inviting people to join their meeting that was happening down the street.
Hope for the Journey
There have been many times where I’ve felt exhausted and prayed for God to help me – either by giving me more energy, or by making the situation easier.
In Our Going
Many of us lead busy lives. From work, to family, to church responsibilities, to driving kids around, we barely get time to ourselves, let alone time to be missional.
The Sinful Systems We Find Ourselves In
One of the common trials we all face in life is the tedium of bureaucracy. How many of us have been chased around trying to find that one person or fill out that one form so we can finally sort out our problem?
Allergies and Scaffolding
I’ve had allergies for a long time. I was around 14 when I had my first serious allergic reaction to a friend’s cat. Since then, I’ve tolerated having allergies and built various behavioural patterns to accommodate the allergies e.g., generally staying away from cats.
The Trinity for Salvation
I was chatting with a friend the other day on how we pray because he mentioned he was reading a book “Knowledge of the Holy” by A. W. Tozer. The first page of the book arrested him with the sentence: “What comes to mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us”.
Broken World in Need of Hope
One of the privileges I have in my job is interacting with a wide swath of people from various backgrounds who are full of hope looking to make an impact on the world. There is something about university students – they exude a hope and confidence in the world is going to improve, and that they are part of the solution. That’s why most of them come to university after all. Or is it?
The Resiliency of the Light
Last month, I wrote on the spread of the gospel throughout South Asia, focusing on the light of Jesus. Our brothers and sisters there share the gospel in the midst of challenging circumstances with great persecution and significantly less resource materially to assist them.
The Cost of the Light
I recently had the privilege of travelling to South Asia on a missions trip where I got to meet various people who were training to become pastors and their congregants. These were all people from the poorer parts of India, so the idyllic seminary picture was not what we saw.
Long Term Perspective
Recently, I went into a bank to set up some investments for the future. They gave some options for investments length: Short (<1 year), Medium (1-3 years), Long (3-5 years). I was stunned when I read those options. How is it that in an investment context (return over time), is a long-term perspective maxing out at 5 years?