
  • Explosion shakes New York City, 29 injured

    An explosion rocked the bustling Chelsea district of Manhattan on Saturday night, injuring at least 29 people in what authorities described as a deliberate, criminal act, while saying investigators had found no evidence of a \"terror connection.\"

  • Spoofs extremely dangerous and soul destroying in the wrong hands

    Someone sent a letter to a friend so as to be \'funny\' yet at the same time to highlight the danger such ideas can be - and - how so very easily such words could destroy a person if directed to someone for malicious purposes.

  • Gaming the Bible

    Thousands of kids around the world, including Kiwis, are now playing a New Zealand made online Bible game designed to bring the Scriptures alive.

  • Do we limit God by shutting off our emotions?

    Can worship lead people into an unhealthy expectation of what \"normal\" Christianity looks like? Do we use people\'s emotions as a way to introduce non-Christians to God?

  • A year of races

    Over the last decade or more there has been much talk about leadership development for the reason that \"Who will lead our countries after the current generation of leaders pass away?\"

  • Mid way on the motorway

    We can all say \"I am getting closer to God\" can\'t we? It can be a daily thing or a monthly shift in our thinking. It can be sudden, lifelong and yet in all ways it is transformative isn\'t it?

  • Meeting old friends

    Recently I returned from a holiday in China catching up with family and friends of both my wife and mine. This reminded me of an article I wrote two years ago of meeting up with an old friend.

  • Arthur or Martha? Sam or Samantha?

    It\'s becoming a big issue, even though it affects less than 1% of a population. It seems to be hitting the headlines more often, as people grapple with the troubling condition known variously as gender dysphoria or gender identity disorder.

  • How to defeat Islamic State: Part II

    What can church history teach us about defeating militant Islam? And what can church history teach us about the church defeating itself?

  • Classic double speak

    A few years ago I cited a Westpac spokesperson who was quoted: \"This is not about cost. It\'s about improving our skill capability by leveraging global scale of sourcing providers.\"