The Pope's link to Australian sport
Pope Francis recently hosted the inaugural \'Sport at the Service of Humanity\' Conference at the Vatican. The Pontiff explained in his welcoming address, \"Sport is a human activity of great value, able to enrich people\'s lives.\"
Amazing Grace
The word \"grace\", commonly referred to as unmerited favour, has been a commonly touched on phrase in Christian settings—but what about those places and spaces which would not be typically referred to as Christian, in that sense of the word?
Lessons learnt in death
2016. It has been a year filled with laughter, joy, heartache, disappointment, loss and pain. For me, personally, this year has come at a great cost to what I cherish most—family.
Talking to my only Christian work colleague a little while ago, I was being quizzed about my \'Christian Walk\'—specifically, if I was backsliding in some manner.
Disadvantaged students need support all year not just at Christmas: The Smith Family
More than 1.1 million children and young people living in poverty across Australia are in critical need of additional learning support throughout their education, says national children\'s education charity The Smith Family.
Filipino churches under threat of attacks may cancel services
A Filipino cardinal has condemned as \"terrorism\" a bomb explosion outside a Catholic church in the southern Philippines as clergy in the capital warned they could cancel Masses because of the heightened threat of attacks.
Know that you are unique
You are a unique person. There is no one else like you on this planet or even in this universe! Even identical twins are unique.
Do us moderns defile our land?
The Bible dictionary defines \'defile\' as: \'to make unclean or impure\'. The purpose of OT laws about defilement was to preserve the holiness of God\'s chosen people, but the rabbis had turned them into a legalistic system emphasising ceremonial cleanliness while ignoring spiritual purity.
What is that to you?
Whenever I say \'I grew up in a large family\' I feel it should be up for understatement of the year. One of nine children, by western society\'s standards my family was huge.
Have you put God in a box?
Think about the last time you really connected with God. What did it look and feel like? Take a minute or two to really remember the experience and moment in time.