David Goodwin
Press Service International

David Goodwin is the former Editor of The Salvation Army’s magazine,War Cry. He is also a cricket tragic, and an unapologetic geek.
David Goodwin archive of articles may be viewed at http://www.pressserviceinternational.org/david-goodwin.html
Change to law for faith-based schools gives rise to religious freedom fears in Australia
Australia are under increasing threat after the release of the Australian Law Reform Commission's (ALRC) highly ...
Many Australians open to Easter church invite
With Easter approaching, Australian Christians should feel encouraged to invite friends and family to learn more about ...
New report proves religion far from dead in China
A new research project has delivered an unprecedented range of insights into the religious and spiritual practices of the world's most populous nation.
Gender conversion laws threaten religious freedom in Australia
Christian groups in Australia are expressing concerns that new legislation proposed in the nation's most populous state could have dire consequences for religious freedom, and see parents, pastors, and healthcare workers face criminal charges for providing non-affirming care for those who are confused about their sex.
Voice of Unreason
Much Ado about Mankad
It seems like every cricket series of late has involved some sort of controversy around the term “Mankading”, with terms like “just not cricket”, “unsportsmanlike”, and even “cheating” thrown about with abandon under over overly dramatic headlines. Now, the casual cricket watching may be asking what exactly is Mankading?
More Than The Sum Of Its Parts
By the time you are reading these words, the ICC Twenty20 World Cup will be old news, the voracious appetite of the money-making machine that is world cricket ensuring that the conveyor belt of matches continues to move without a hitch or interruption—the moment one spectacle finishes another is starting.
Support Systems
I don’t get to go to as many AFL games as I would like. But when I do I am always surprised by the things you don’t notice watching it on TV.
One of These Days
Over the past few decades of following cricket, it feels like there has been a constant stream of predictions regarding the demise of Test Cricket. There have been various reasons posited.
God Save the Queen
The phrase “once in a lifetime” is one of those terms that gets thrown around so often that it has lost a lot of its significance, like “hero” or “apocalypse”, applied to events by lazy journalists or over-excited commentators as a shortcut to save coming up with something original.