Talks regarding the two-state solution are hyping up daily.
In the last week Jordan and Palestine have been forcing the issue, stressing commitment to the two-state solution as being the only way to gain peace in the Middle East.
China and Canada have publically made statements backing the two-state solution in the last week (from the 19th to the 26th of January).
Pope Francis urged the two-state solution as a road to peace in his Christmas address.
Pence also told Egypt’s Sisi that a two-state solution was still possible, even with all this business about moving the embassy to Jerusalem.
However, in local polls in Jerusalem with both Israeli Jews and Palestinians alike the support for a two-state solution teeters just under 50%.
The United Nations agenda
It seems like the push is coming from outside nations buying into what the UN has been propagating for decades, Jewish Israel needs to concede to Palestine and give up their own rights to their land.
The UN has already stated that the holy sites in Israel officially belong to Islam and not to the Jews.
At the end of last year New Zealand put in motion the move to declare all Jewish settlements illegal.
On the 31st January a meeting will be held in Brussels to discuss how to speed up efforts on this two-state solution by the Ad Hoc Liaison Committee.
The world will not wait much longer for this to be set in motion. They are getting impatient with the stubbornness of Israel.
No surprises here…
Of course this is what has been prophesied in Scripture. The whole world will turn against Israel as a Jewish nation, as they are so doing now.
This anger at the Jewish Israel isn’t coming directly or exclusively from the Palestinians in Israel, but instead coming from outside nations deluded by UN propaganda and appeasements by the Pope.
The world needs a common enemy, and it is all too fitting that the Jewish Israel is being marked as that enemy. The logic is, that this is a spiritual realm and an earthly realm.
We know that Satan has been given dominion over the world. The Jews as God’s chosen people have been enemies of the world at different periods over history.
History repeats itself because Satan (the ruler of this world) has an agenda against the chosen people of God.
War is coming, whether we like it or not
All these points of news I’ve cited just go to prove that there is something intensely spiritual regarding the war against Jewish Israel.
Right now every nation (bar very few) is gearing up to split Israel and hand part of it over to Israel’s Arab enemies. There will be an excuse for every nation to come against Jewish Israel with military might if they do not kowtow to the will of Palestine.
Are we seeing the stirrings of the Gog and Magog war?
The ‘solution’ can only lead to Israel being branded public enemy number one and every country with military capacity will become an immediate threat to the nation.
I think we need to pray for Israel and oppose the two-state solution.
Bridget Brenton is involved in Aboriginal and Islander based ministries, and enjoys tech stuff like making websites and making games in her spare time.
Bridget Brenton’s previous articles may be viewed at:

Bridget Brenton from Brisbane has been for many years a young writer then an Over 31 writer and now a Panellist marking for the annual awards.