Bridget Brenton
Press Service International

Bridget Brenton from Brisbane has been for many years a young writer then an Over 31 writer and now a Panellist marking for the annual awards.
Beyond the Fog
There is confusion everywhere, among all the announcements of lockdowns and all the mandates and all the arguments of where Christians should stand on either side of the coronavirus debate. It doesn’t matter what label you put on it, the division is palpable even among the faithful.
How to stop the exploitation of big tech
Recently I was asked about methods to keep technology safe, due to the lack of privacy in the days we’re living in. I believe it’s integral for every person to be smart about their browsing habits, app usage and messaging systems.
Two-state solution: no solution at all (PSI Young Writers Best of 2018)
Talks regarding the two-state solution are hyping up daily.
Be alert as can be - family member suicide
Suicide doesn’t always make the news. However, we're aware of suicide – you might recall many young people who have taken this final step. In most instances social media was used as a weapon against them. We are not blind to this.
Fighting indifference
Sometimes I find it hard to pray for all those who are in need of it around the world. I live in a little bubble which is mostly indifferent even when I hear the worst cases of persecution on Christian news sites.
How I Changed My Mind About Yoga
When I first started seeing yoga classes advertised in churches, I lamented, “Oh how blasphemous and lost is the modern church”. My opinion was, that for a minister or congregation to allow that evil practice through their doors they must be backslidden indeed.
Being a Victim of Online Scammers
It could happen to anyone, and last week it happened to me. I got scammed. I sometimes buy artwork off of DeviantArt. As the name suggests, you find all sorts on that website, although I’ve found a couple of genuine Christian artists there thankfully.
Christianity with ADHD
If you’re skip reading this and multitasking dozens of things at once, you might just have ADHD.
A special ministry to Uganda
Peni and Olive Volavola of Faith City Worship Centre in Nundah have had a pretty special call on their lives to the nation of Africa.
Islam sympathies and Trudeau’s legacy
#JihadiJustin #TrudeauMustGo #TrudeauForTreason The hashtags say it all.