Pastor Ada Boland tells of how The Aboriginal Apostolic and Prophetic Voice began with a vision. God had shown her Australia, and then she saw God’s head over Australia. He began to cry. When Pastor Ada asked God “Why are you crying – God?” He responded: “Ada, I am crying for you, I am crying for you and your people.”
He went on to explain, “Ada, for too long your voice has been shut down. For too long the voice of your people has been shut down.”
God has proven His Love for the indigenous people through dreams and visions and a trumpet call goes out to Indigenous Australians’ to Rise, take their place in what God is going to do in the Nation of Australia.
The July conference in Townsville was “The Spirit of Esther” – for such a time as this. Pastor Ada explained why it was directed towards women; simply because “women are the doorway – to the children, to the men and to the community”.
The conference theme centred around how Esther was chosen of God even before she did what she’d been preordained to do: saving the people of Israel. Esther was chosen, groomed and trained in readiness for her preordained calling to become Queen, even though she was an orphan God strategically positioned her to bring deliverance to the Nation of Israel.
Likewise, the Indigenous Women of Australia are in a strategic place and time in history to bring their people into relationship with their Creator God. Pastor Ada has over the years inspired, encouraged and equipped teams of indigenous women to facilitate conferences in various locations.
Pastor Ada is real, brings with her a strong anointing of the Holy Spirit and partners with Indigenous Leaders to Rise and Take their place and be a VOICE in their Nation and beyond. She also has a heart for Reconciliation, not only God restoring her people, but bringing together people of all cultures and background to a place of Love and Forgiveness.
Future conferences are being planned for Brisbane Friday 22nd to Sunday 24th September 2017 and other locations in the coming year 2018. You can follow the ministry – Indigenous Apostolic and Prophetic Voice on Facebook or contact Pastor Ada at
Bridget Brenton is involved in Aboriginal and Islander based ministries, and enjoys tech stuff like making websites and making games in her spare time.
Bridget Brenton’s previous articles may be viewed at:

Bridget Brenton from Brisbane has been for many years a young writer then an Over 31 writer and now a Panellist marking for the annual awards.