Liana Monaghan

Press Service International

Liana is a passionate and creative soul, living in South Australia and married to her artist husband of 12 years, Justin. Liana is an early childhood educator and also writes, sings, occasionally dances,  loves nature, is a psalmist and runs a women's ministry.

  • Edit Your Life; Keep Only What is Useful, Beautiful and Holy

    Many people feel the need to declutter their homes so that their environment reflects order and beauty.  There are books on de-cluttering and how it blesses our soul, and how we thrive in ordered, minimalistic environments. Usually people do this de-cluttering when they move to a new house or spring clean but some people do this regularly by asking the questions; what do I need to keep and what brings me joy?

  • Releasing Hope

    Recently I have been given the privilege of joining a team that leads worship at a homeless outreach in the city. This amazing experience of releasing hope through song and spirit-led encouragement has reminded me of God’s heart to lift the head of those who are soul-downcast and release His hope and peace over His people.

  • Is your love for God conditional?

    Do you love God because of what he gives you and promises to do for you? Would we still choose to love Jesus if he never blessed us with the desires of our heart? What about when we are faced with poor health, infertility, a broken marriage, financial debt, sorrow and heartache – could you still worship Jesus? Would you still worship Jesus? Would your heart still be given over to God? Or has your love for God become conditional on him meeting your needs and desires?

  • Is the testing worth it?

    Each one of us has an opportunity to make a difference here in this world while we have breath.

  • Gut health and diet– Part 1

    In today’s society poor health is far too common. I believe we need a holistic approach to health.

  • Resting is the key – so put the oars down!

    Have you ever felt that no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to move forward into the fullness of your God-given calling and destiny?

  • Serving with God’s heart in work settings

    I am just finishing up a fourteen month work season where I have been a Nanny and Personal Assistant to one particular family.

  • Encounters with grace and a new perspective

    I was in worship on my knees the other day in such a place of brokenness before God when he showed me something.

  • The courage to walk in joy

    For nearly seven years my husband and I have waited patiently on the Lord for many promises to be fulfilled including the gift of children to our marriage.

  • What do you do when Faith doesn’t seem to work?

    What do you do when, for years you have proclaimed in faith, believed for God to move and held onto hope and the promise of breakthrough…only to be left facing choices at a crossroads whilst still being in the valley?